Backcountry Skiing & Heliskiing
A Haven for Seasoned Skiers
The silence is deafening. You’re on the face of a mountain, a tiny speck in the miles of uninterrupted stretches of white snow. No trails. No ski lifts. No lines. Just bright sunshine, stunning views, and piles of pristine powder. This is Alaska heliskiing with Alaska Backcountry Guides.
If you’ve never tried heliskiing but always wanted to, now is the perfect time to start.
Helicopter Skiing in Alaska for Newbies
As a winter sports enthusiast, you’ve likely skied your share of resort throughout the Pacific Northwest. While this part of the country has some of the best skiing in the world, Alaska heli-skiing is a completely different experience.
Alaska is still wild and untamed. It’s not like Telluride heli-skiing or Canada heli-skiing. While these locales are undoubtedly beautiful, they’re well-populated and oft-visited. With Alaska helicopter skiing, you’ll likely be able to see glaciers, wildlife, and even Prince William Sound from your vaunted perch on the Chugach Mountains.
You may think of Alaska heli-skiing as a bit more backcountry than you’re used to, but remember, your guide will accompany you on your heliskiing adventure, leading the way and helping you stay safe.
Heliskiing in Alaska for Seasoned Skiers
Even if you’re practiced at heliskiing, you’ll definitely be wowed by the awe-inspiring beauty of the mountains in Alaska. The rugged terrain and the sheer inaccessibility of the Chugach Mountains by any other means than a helicopter makes a heliskiing experience with Alaska Backcountry Guides unforgettable.
If you are a veteran of heliskiing, you likely remember when you first fell in love with it — how the sleek, untouched slopes beckoned to you.
But like shooting rapids or scaling cliffs, returning to the same challenge gets boring. And when you’re looking for a new and exciting locale, heli-skiing in Alaska is a great choice. While the mountains of Canada can be exciting and challenging as well, unfortunately so can visiting another country, considering the travel warnings, rules, and paperwork involved.
Skiing in Alaska: The Experience
Devotees of Alaska backcountry skiing love it for many reasons. First, when you use Alaska Backcountry Guides, there’s no hiking — we use only helicopters to transport our guests. While some devoted mountaineers enjoy hiking the backcountry, the truth is that carrying your equipment through deep snow can be exhausting, and it can take away from the enjoyment of skiing.
Heliskiing in Alaska is simply an experience most people will not get to try. For many, this is a trip of a lifetime. Our practiced guides and other staff members put all their efforts into making sure your heliskiing trip to Alaska is the most amazing trip you ever take.
Contact us with your questions about heliskiing with Alaska Backcountry Guides.